Sunday, March 27, 2016

Re-readathon: Sunday and Monday



I'm reading: The Crimson Petal and the White by Michel Faber, Harry Potter et la coupe de feu by J K Rowling
Pages read today: 105
Total pages read: 290
Books finished: The Crimson Petal and the White
Total books completed: 3
Snacks consumed: chocolate bunny, more of an Easter egg than I'd care to admit...
Today in six words: Harry Potter makes the pages fly!


Happy Easter everyone! I'm enjoying nice relaxing Easter at my parents' house, with lots of chocolate and sleepy cats to keep me company when I'm reading. With the strength of that, I have finally completed my first 'book for fun' of the re-readathon!

I'm so happy. I forgot how infuriating the end of Crimson Petal is though. You know books where the ending is so abrupt you double check just in case there's pages missing from your copy? Yeah.

I've started on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and have randomly decided to read my French copy. Mostly because I realised I haven't read anything in French in an entire year and I live in constant fear of somehow forgetting all my French and my degree becoming meaningless. So. I'm about two chapters in and it's all going swimmingly. 


I'm reading: Harry Potter et la coupe de feu by J K Rowling
Pages read today: 39
Total pages read: 329
Total books completed: 3
Snacks consumed: all the chocolate
Today in six words: Work impedes reading. But Harry Potter!

10.05 pm

Another hectic day at work today. Today I want to rant about customers who don't say please and thank you. Seriously? It's not hard to ask for something properly, and it makes the interaction more pleasant for both of us. You'd complain about me if I didn't smile, say thank you and speak in complete sentences, so why should it be any different the other way around? Sure, I'm a fast food worker, but I'm also a human being. Please talk to me like one.

*grumbles* Anyway. I was exhausted when I got home, so I've just been under my duvet reading for the most part, and that's how I plan to spend the rest of the night. I don't have to get up early in the morning- in fact tomorrow I'm back to working nights, so it's in my best interest that I do stay up all night and read Harry Potter. You know, if I don't fall asleep in the next couple of hours...

I read slower in French than in English obviously, but it's actually nice to pick up all the little details that usually pass me by because I've read this book so many times. Crookshanks (or Pattenrond in French) chasing the gnomes at the Burrow, Charlie and Bill fighting with garden tables, the wizards wearing kilts and ponchos at the Quidditch World Cup... it's nice to take it slow and take it all in.

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