Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Bout of Books 15- Wednesday


Reading: Opal Plumstead by Jacqueline Wilson, What Makes This Book So Great by Jo Walton, The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides


Pages read: 278, plus 1h 45m of audio
Books finished: Opal Plumstead
Total pages read: 867, 1h 45m of audio
Total books finished: 4

Pages read so far: 164
I brought my kindle into work to read on my break, which turned out to be a good idea as I ended up sitting with one of my co-workers who was watching a Donald Trump rally- without earphones- and banging on to anyone would listen about how he was the best thing to happen to American politics since Lincoln.

I seriously worry about my co-workers sometimes.

Anyway. Work wasn't so bad tonight as it was a bit busier and I actually got out on time, yay! Opal Plumstead is still good, though I accidentally stumbled upon a massive spoiler while looking for a cover image... *grumbles* Oh well, at least I don't know how the other plot lines resolve themselves.

Pages read so far: 277, plus 1 hour of audio

Another book down! Honestly, it's mostly thanks to Opal Plumstead's enormous print but I'm taking credit all the same. It turned out to be pretty great. Definitely not a happy book by any means- but I've always admired Jacqueline Wilson for not allowing a happy ending where one wouldn't be fitting. There's just enough hope at the end for reader satisfaction, though. I'll definitely be seeking out some more of Wilson's recent historical books.

I had to walk into town to go for an eye test, so I decided to use the time to listen to a library audiobook on the way- The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides. I read it when it came out- I'm a huge Eugenides fan- but I felt it was due for a re-read, now that I'm a postgraduate English student and actually have to deal with semiotics in my daily life. No eyebrow-less students called Thurston, though, thankfully. Let's just say I'm firmly on Madeleine's side when it comes to studying English.

I popped into Tesco on the way home for some reduced Christmas chocolate - giant tubes of Smarties are now 50p, just spreading the word- and now I'm hoping to get cracking on my essay until it's time to make dinner and leave for work.

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