I've been a big fan of Bex's re-readathons since the start- what could be better than putting aside any guilt about what you should be reading and instead indulging in some old favourites for a week? Even more exciting, this time round I am co-hosting with Bex and Katie! This is a huge deal for my tiny little blog to be collaborating with two of my favourite bloggers so I'm super pumped.
The action kicks off on Sunday 5th February and continues until the following Sunday 12th. To take part, simply spend some time re-reading throughout the week! You can dedicate the whole week to rereading, or simply pick up an old favourite in addition to whatever else you're reading at the moment. There'll be challenges running throughout the week as well as a twitter chat- you can also share your progress with the #rereadathon tag on your social media of choice. I'll be posting here and on my instagram. You can sign up at Bex's blog here which also works as a handy little hub to keep track of who else is re-reading!
Now, the big question: what am I planning on re-reading? I'll probably just roll with it and see what I feel like reading, as that's worked well for me in the past- but here's some ideas I've had so far:
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn: I read this when it was hyped back in the day and I'm wondering how it will hold up to a reread, now that I (and let's face it, everyone else) know the Big Twist. Only one way to find out!
The Secret History by Donna Tartt: I've been meaning to reread this forever, and probably since the first re-readathon. NOW IS THE TIME. Hopefully.
The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket: I've been watching the brilliant Netflix series and it's rekindling my obsession with this universe. As these are short, maybe I'll even get to read more than one, but we'll see.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J K Rowling: It's becoming a wee bit of a tradition for me to reread some HP during the re-readathon, so why not.
The Fellowship of the Ring by J R R Tolkien: Another series I've reread about a million times, but I haven't read this in a few years now, and that definitely needs to change.
What are you planning to reread? :)
The Netflix Series of Unfortunate Events is marvellous. And now I'm impatient for season 2... but in the meantime I think I should go and reread the books as well. I don't own them though, so it'll be a case of searching the libraries for the whole series. Also Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings are great reread books. I read them every few couple of years or so.