Saturday, April 23, 2016

Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-thon: Update post

Hours 1-13 (1pm-2am)
Reading: The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
Pages read: 76
Total pages read: 76
Snacks: Quorn bacon and egg sandwich, Special K bar, gum and Wham bars

I'm late to the party, but I'm finally here! I stayed at my parents' house last night so with driving back up to Belfast and stopping for groceries (and the requisite read-a-thon snacks) on the way I only got home at about 2, squeezed in an hour of reading and then headed to work. Got home from work at 1 am, made some food and now I'm hoping to get in an hour or two of reading before I fall asleep :)

Hours 14-22 (2am-11am)
ReadingThe Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
Pages read: 38
Total pages read: 114
Snacks: Nothing, just blissful sleep...

You know how some nights you make an actual effort to go to sleep, and then on others sleep just comes for you?

Actual footage of me around 3 am last night
I think I was exhausted from work. But there's two hours left of the readathon and I'm determined to make them count! The plan is to stay in bed with my book and some breakfast until the end- hopefully I'll get some serious pages in before then!

Hours 23-24 (11am-1pm)
ReadingThe Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
Pages read: 88
Total pages read: 202
Snacks: Coffee and disappointing cornflakes (Asda Price ones literally taste like paper. Weird and annoying because Tesco Value ones are the same price and are delicious!)

Well, that's it folks! I wish I could have read for longer but with work and sleep and all that I only managed a bit less than four hours out of 24. Even so, I succeeded in making a fairly decent dent in The Goldfinch- I'm past the halfway point!- and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Thank you to the hosts for giving me an excuse to do nothing but read for an evening and a morning, and congratulations to everyone on some seriously impressive page counts I've seen! :)

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